
Finally, I have added a friends link page to my blog.
Having run an independent blog for over a year, I deeply understand the time and effort required to maintain a blog is no small amount. I believe this is also why most people now choose to write on platforms like Medium, Blogger - very few people are willing to do such a thankless task. Just because few people do it, doesn’t mean no one does it, which makes independent bloggers’ spirit even more valuable.
I won’t speak for others, but having started out of interest, I will persist.
To me, the significance of a friends link page is that it can serve as a connector, linking up people (fellow independent bloggers) with the same interests.
So if you’ve seen this page, why not click on the links below to show some support for bloggers still persevering with independent writing. Link Exchange Request
If you’d like to exchange friend links with me, I hope your blog fulfills the following criteria:
- Supports HTTPS access
- Has sufficient original content, not too fluffy
Leave a title and link in the comments section below.